CAIR® innovation

“CAIR a combination of Care and Air, referring  to caring for the airways of your animals.”

Our CAIR® milk replacers contain the unique ingredient CAIR®, which supports respiratory health. CAIR® is a blend of herbs and essential oils that contribute to the natural cleansing capacity of the lungs and free airways

CAIR® innovation
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CAIR®, helps with the prevention of airway problems

As a dairy farmer, you do everything you can to ensure your animals grow as fast as possible during the first weeks of their life. High growth rates during this period are known to result in a healthy and productive life. With that in mind, young calves and goat kids can best avoid diarrhea and airway infections.

By giving a milk replacer with CAIR®, you – the dairy farmer – are not only focusing on high growth rates but also providing protection against airway infections via the milk powder.

Kalvolac CAIR supports the natural self-cleaning capacity of the lungs and promotes clear airways of calves.

Herby smell

Herbs, spices and essential oils have been used in producing Kalvolac and Chivalac CAIR, that help keep the airways healthy.

As a result, your animals experience less discomfort with breathing and they need less medication for the respiratory tract. The intake of roughage and concentrates also increases.

  • Supports a healthy respiratory tract and optimal breathing.
  • Contributes to healthy growing goat kids, thanks to an optimal concentrate intake.
  • Contributes to a reduction of antibiotic use related to respiratory health.


Research and development specialist smelling liquid calf milk replacer

“The calves are growing beyond expectations. Especially in a critical period like autumn, I barely had lung problems. Now they have an optimal respiratory health and grow better. A good start is half the game, because a healthy calf will bring you so much more. “

Theo van Dinther, dairy farmer in Oss (North Brabant, The Netherlands) about Kalvolac CAIR.

Proven better results with CAIR®

Research with calves shows that, when calves are fed with Kalvolac CAIR for 8 weeks, coughing is reduced by 33% and less medication is needed. In addition, roughage and concentrate intake increases by 15%.

CAIR - 33% less coughing
CAIR - reduction of antibiotica use

The result of healthy calves? Strong and healthy cows, with a higher production and higher longevity. For you this means more pleasure in your work and a higher efficiency with less young stock on farm.


Respiratory health in calves at the Rotteveel farm in the Netherlands

For dairy farmer Remco Rotteveel, from The Netherlands, is the respiratory health of his calves extremely important. In the past, he has experienced respiratory infections that cause a lot of…

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Vrouw in stal aait kalfje

Gertie Schouten: “Our calves all receive TLC: Tender Loving Care”

At the Schouten family farm, around 150 calves are born every year. Gertie is a dedicated carer, who focuses huge attention on the colostrum, and uses CAIR milk powders from…

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Providing calf with milk

Jan van der Werff: ‘I should have switched to calf milk replacer far sooner’

Jan van der Werff, a dairy farmer based in Ravenswood in Friesland, switched from cow’s milk to calf milk replacer around two years ago. The biggest difference according to Jan…

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